Exciting news!!!
In preparation for gyms opening on April 12th we are delighted to collaborate with Perform365 to bring you - The Everyday Athlete Training System.
The Everyday Athlete Training System is 12 weeks of structured Strength & Conditioning programming giving you in depth insights into the systems that have coached champions across multiple sports and tailored specifically for you, to make sure you enter the gym with a strategy.
Run, sprint, jump, change direction, become more explosive as well as improving body composition to get you looking, feeling & also performing better.
Check out our video for more information on The Everyday Athlete Training System.
Alongside the programming we give you access to our e-book with in-depth insights on – Training, Recovery, Performance Nutrition and much more……
You’ll also have full access to our video modular series covering 4 topics – Training, Performance Nutrition, Pre/Rehab and Mindset.
The ‘Netflix’ style video series features over 65 videos of industry leading practitioners who give incredible insights into some of the tools they’ve used whilst working with athletes performing at the highest level.
The practitioners sharing their knowledge have worked across a number of different sports including English Premier League Football, NBA, NFL, Boxing, Rugby League and Formula 1.
Would you like to learn how to take your own performance to new levels whilst building a robust and athletic physique?
If so, The Everyday Athlete Training System is for you!

What you’ll receive -
• 12 weeks of strength & conditioning programming
• 14 day Taper program to peak for an event
• E-Book with detailed insights into our system
• Nutritional guidance
• Macronutrient calculator to identify clear nutrition targets
• Access to our video module series with industry leading practitioners – 65 + videos
• Goal setting planner
• The Everyday Athlete Performance Combine testing
• Session monitoring
• Weekly performance checklist
Access to our members Facebook community plus much more......
Complimentary additions to this bundle include -
• The Ultimate Home Workout Guide
• Guide to calories e-book
• Fuel to Perform365 recipe book
• Smoothie guide
• Fuel to Perform365 vegan recipe book
VOW nutrition members introductory offer available for 72 hours - £149.99!!!