We VOW To Protect Our Planet
At VOW Nutrition we recognise the responsibility we have to protect the health of our planet - not just the health of our bodies. With the world around us in mind, we VOW to pursue sustainable and planet-friendly processes wherever and however we can.

100% Recyclable Packaging
In 2022 we recognised the need to increase our sustainable efforts in order to make every VOW Nutrition product more planet-friendly. As a result of this, we invested time and money in the development of food-safe packaging that is 100% recyclable. To date, we have transitioned all of our powered products into 100% recyclable packaging, we are testing sustainable alternatives for the remaining VOW Nutrition range, and we are working on manufacturing all of our new products with sustainable packaging.
Becoming More Sustainable
We recognise that becoming a more sustainable company is an ever-evolving journey; however, it is a journey we are proud to be on. With our dedicated team, we VOW to do what we can to protect the health of our planet, and to take it as seriously as we take the health of our bodies.

Stopping Ocean Pollution
Plastic pollution is one of the most critical environmental issues that faces our planet today, and an issue all of us at VOW Nutrition feel very strongly about. With more than 150 million tonnes of plastic watse estimated to be in the world’s oceans, as well as millions of tonnes more in landfills across the world, the need for sustainable alternatives is greater and more pressing than ever before. So, that’s a need we VOW to take seriously.